Category: Video


It was my birthday this week, I turned 12! To celebrate, Daddy bought me my favorite pupcake: peanut butter and carob.

It was super yummy, I made sure to get every crumb.

I wish I could eat pupcakes every day, but Mommy says no. Shouldn’t every day be a celebrate Mochi with a pupcake day though? Woof!

Extra yummy noms

Oh boy, oh boy, today Mommy made me some of my favorite noms: rehydrated lamb Sojos!  I really, really hated waiting 15 minutes for them to hydrate, that wasn’t nice at all.  However, Mommy let me take a peek when they were done.


Can you see those delightful chunks of yumminess?  Oh boy, oh boy, I got so excited!

Half for tonight, half for breakfast tomorrow, I can’t wait!  I ate my dinner so fast, it was so good.  Now, how about some dessert to top off the meal?  Woof!

The jerky fairy

I must have been a good boy because the Jerky Fairy has been stopping by my house lately and leaving pieces of that yummy duck jerky around the house.  I have to check every nook and corner and under my blankets just to make sure I find it all.

Mommy says something about glucosamine and how the jerky is good for my old man puppy bones.  I don’t know what she’s talking about, but this stuff sure is tasty!  Come and visit me again soon Jerky Fairy!


Halloween is coming up this week.  I don’t really know what that is about, but I do know that some people have added some strange looking things to their yard.  I’m not really sure what to make of them.


Are they friend or foe?!  I don’t know!  Better just bark at them to make sure they know I’m in charge, woof!

The pet store

When I am lucky, I can convince Daddy to take me to the pet store, oh boy oh boy!  I always know when we arrive and I am sure to let everyone know how excited I am.

Why do I like going to the pet store so much, you ask?  Well, in addition to being able to pick out new food, treats, and toys, I know that the kind people behind the counter always have something tasty for me.

They can’t resist this cute face, especially when I turn on the charm.  I usually walk away with a bunch of treats in my belly, yum!  I can’t wait to go back to the pet store again soon, woof!

I’m 10 today!

Today is my 10th birthday, can you believe it?  I’m double digits now!  To celebrate, Daddy took me to one of my favorite local pet stores, My Pet Naturally, to pick out a pupcake.  Oh boy, oh boy, it was so exciting to go to the pet store!

We got a peanut butter, carob, and yogurt pupcake.




It was so yummy, even if Mommy only let me eat half.




Yummy!  That was the best birthday pupcake since last year.  I can’t wait to eat the other half of my pupcake.  Maybe tomorrow we can celebrate 10 years and one day?  Woof!

Holiday baking

Oh boy have I been busy!  I want to share a bit of what I have been up to over the past few days, but today I want to talk about helping with holiday baking!  Every year I have a very important role in baking: clean up duty after Mommy and Daddy make peanut butter muffins with Grandma.  It is probably the most important job and I had a lot of cleaning up to do this year!


I take my job very seriously and make sure I clean everything thoroughly.



All clean, Grandma!  Now to deal with that peanut butter tongue…


Can’t wait to help Grandma with cleaning up again next year.  Woof!


Two squirrels were hanging out on my balcony!


I’m not sure what they were up to, but I’m sure it was no good.


Look at that naughty thing just taunting me.  It makes me want to hunt!

Unfortunately I didn’t catch them, but I did scare them away with the help of Mommy and Daddy.  I’ll be watching and waiting for next time, squirrels!  Woof!

Oh boy, today was so much fun.  I got to see Aunty Tracy and Cousin Iko in the park!  First, I said hi.


Then Cousin Iko and I played.


Then I tried to eat his snacks.


Then Cousin Iko decided to try to pet me.


And then Cousin Iko gave me a leaf to eat.  I don’t understand why Daddy wasn’t pleased about that.

All in all, I had a lot of fun.  Let’s hang out again soon!  Woof!

Over the weekend, I got to go to the pet store.  It was so much fun!  On the walk from the car to the pet store, I had an encounter with this strange creature.  When in doubt, bark!

I was still uncertain about it, but then remembered we had the pet store to visit!  Daddy bought me lots of treats so I soon forgot about this.  Why worry about some strange creature when you have new yummy snacks?  Woof!