Archive for February, 2015

Guard duty

Sheepie and I were on guard duty while Grandma worked in the garden.  Gotta keep an eye on those neighbor dogs, after all.

Daddy didn’t get it and thought it was playtime.  No, Daddy, we’re working!  Give me back Sheepie!

And once everything seemed safe….

…we took a nap in the sun!  Guard duty is hard work.  Let’s sleep a bit, Sheepie!  Woof!

Afternoon naps

This is the best way to spend an afternoon.

What more could you possibly need?  Woof!


This is my new toy/friend Sheepie.  Grandma and Grandpa got him for me to celebrate the year of the ram!

Oh Sheepie, I know we’re going to be good friends!  Woof!


Will you be my valentine?

It’s Valentine’s Day!  Will you be my valentine?

I promise to look cute and give you lots of kisses!  Woof!

Bath day

I didn’t know it, but today turned out to be bath day.  😦  No matter how much I tried to beg and plead with Mommy and Daddy, it didn’t save me from a wet afternoon.

I’ve had enough, please, please, please let me out!  Woof!

Cuteness for food!

If I look cute and smile at you next to the fridge, will you get me something from inside?

Please?  How about a kale stick?  What about some frozen banana?  A marrow bone?  Woof!


I’m tired.  I have no plans on leaving my warm, comfortable bed unless there is a really good reason.

We can play later, okay?  Woof!