Category: Friends

I recently met someone new in the neighborhood. His name is Rotini. I have no idea what he is, he seemed a bit unusual for a dog. Daddy says Rotini is a pig, I don’t know what that means.

We sniffed each other then I tried to eat Rotini’s food pellets that Rotini’s human was dropping. Daddy wouldn’t let me eat them. What a mean Daddy. I’m hoping to sneak one next time we meet, maybe when Daddy isn’t looking. Hope to see you soon, Rotini! Woof!

Sorry I’ve been quiet, I had a lot of fun spending the holidays with my family.  Let me show you what I did!

I saw my best friends from puppyhood.  We are old puppies now.  I think we are still pretty cute.img_0701-m

I had some quality napping time in the sun.  It felt so good!


I helped Mommy and Grandma wrap gifts.  And by wrap, I mean unwrap my gift as soon as it was prepared.


I helped with the holiday baking, specifically clean up duty.  I love when we make peanut butter and jelly muffins for Christmas brunch!  Cleaning the peanut butter off the spoons is a very important job.


I was a good big cousin to my baby cousin, Perry, including posing for this photo:


I also stole some of Perry’s toys.


All in all, it was a wonderful holiday!  I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings, hopefully more treats for yours truly.  Sending Mochi kisses, woof!

Mommy has been too busy to help me blog, but I’ve been enjoying life.  Yesterday was particularly fun!  I went to my first Norwich/Norfolk Noripaluza and it was great!  I met 26 other Norwich and 2 Norfolk, I’ve never seen so many of my kin in one place!





Want to meet some of my new friends?  Here they are!  This is Calle, she is a puppy.  Mommy thinks she is my new puppy girlfriend.


She is super cute and wanted to play!


I also hung out with Gus.  He’s a handsome guy and his parents really loved me.


This is Honey Badger.  I’m not really sure if he liked me saying hi.  He got to sit in a wagon, I’m jealous!


This is Eddie.  Eddie and I fought over this taco, but after it somehow disappeared, I think we’re okay now.


This is Gidget.  She is Norfolk and just wanted to give me kisses!  She is a sweetie.


This is Gable, who was more interested in his Mom’s sandwich than me.


These puppies are Winston and Oliver.  They are siblings and their grandma helped organize the event so they were sure to greet everyone at the party.


This is also Winston, but he didn’t like me.


I had so much fun!


I can’t wait to see everyone again in October!  Woof!


Best walkies!

I had the best walkies ever today!  I ran into a bunch of my friends: Hera, Cricket, Jade, Happy and Goose.  We got to walk around the neighborhood together.




I love being with my pack, it’s so much better than walkies just with Mommy or Daddy.  I hope I run into them again soon, woof!


Today on my morning walkies, I met another Norwich named Ginger!  I don’t run into many Norwich Terriers, so this meeting was extra special.


She’s just visiting, unfortunately, otherwise I think I could have made a new Norwich friend.  She scared me a bit with her growling, but I know she would have warmed up to me over time.  Hopefully Ginger will come back and visit soon, woof!


Oh boy, today was so much fun.  I got to see Aunty Tracy and Cousin Iko in the park!  First, I said hi.


Then Cousin Iko and I played.


Then I tried to eat his snacks.


Then Cousin Iko decided to try to pet me.


And then Cousin Iko gave me a leaf to eat.  I don’t understand why Daddy wasn’t pleased about that.

All in all, I had a lot of fun.  Let’s hang out again soon!  Woof!


It’s a beautiful afternoon for walkies, let’s go!


Do you think we will run into some of my friends?  I hope so, I’m ready to play!  Woof!

Baby Iko

A few weeks ago, I met baby Iko.  I wasn’t really sure what to make of him, I never had seen a human so young.  First we checked each other out.


And then we sealed our friendship with a kiss.


I think we’re gonna be good friends.  I can’t wait to teach him about how to be a good boy!  Woof!


I miss running into Lola with her Mommy and Daddy on walkies!

Maybe we will meet at the park sometime and share kisses.

Let’s play again soon, Lola!  Woof!

Good week!

I had a really good and busy week!  I got to see Aunty Tracy, yay!

That pizza is for me, right?  It was so much fun, especially the carrots Aunty Dimpal cut just for me.  I also made a new girlfriend at the party!  Her name is Nena.

She’s a puppy but thinks I’m awesome because we’re both terriers, even if I stole her toy for the night.

I also hung out with Uncle Law cuz Mommy and Daddy were busy at work!!  Yay, I love Uncle Law!

We always do fun things together like eat treats, sit on the couch, and take naps.  Well, maybe that’s what I get to do!

I hope next week is just as fun!  Woof!