Category: Sleep

Life at Fourteen

Hi friends, did you forget about me? Mommy has been really busy and hasn’t been able to help me with my blog, but with the help of my Uncle Colin, we convinced her that the world needs to see my cuteness immediately. I hope that your lives have been filled with many good treats and naps!

Being fourteen isn’t easy, but there have been some perks, including getting fed 3-4 times a day now! Can you imagine, I only used to get breakfast and dinner, but now I get breakfast, lunch, tea time and dinner! You just never know when it is time to eat! Sometimes I even take some of my food with me in my beard.

Yep, that’s me with a piece of spinach.

I also take a lot of naps. Sometimes I don’t even make it all the way into my bed and then Mommy and Daddy have to help me get comfortable.

Did I mention that I only have 7 teeth left now? Yeah, that was not fun, but at least I don’t have an ouchy mouth anymore. It has also meant new treats that are nice and soft and perfect for me to eat! In fact, I’m ready to have one of those treats now – you know, the one that is good for my hips and joints that I have to have daily? Let’s eat one now, okay? Woof!

Fall snuggles

It is Fall and the weather here keeps flipping between being hot and cooling off. I don’t really like the warm days unless Mommy and Daddy turn on the magical box that blows cold air. I am, however, enjoying the cooler days where I can snuggle up in my bed with my fleece blankies.

I love my little lair, it is so cozy! Mommy says I look adorable, what do you think? Woof!

Mommy and Daddy have still been home with me a lot.  While I’m glad it means I have company, I am still missing out on those treats I used to get when I got left home alone.  In any case, I’m still spending a lot of time getting quality blanket cuddles and naps with my favorite bed and blankets!


Being cute is tiring, you know–so I need my naps!  Thanks again Grandma for the cute blanket to help me rest and restore my cute powers!  Woof!

Life at home

I’m sorry I haven’t blogged recently, Mommy says she’s been too busy to help me–something about needing to do a lot of work to move her class online or something like that.  I’ve noticed that Mommy and Daddy have been home a lot (yay!), but they’ve been talking to their computers instead of spending time with me (boo!).  Sigh.


If you are at home, shouldn’t you play with me and give me lots of treats instead?  Since you aren’t going out lately, I think you still owe me those treats you usually give me when you go out.  You agree with me, don’t you, loyal Mochi fans?  Woof!

Today, I want to tell you about my new blanket.  It is a very special blanket that Grandma made for me with cute blue puppy fleece on one side and a very soft teal velour on the other.  Look how beautiful it looks on my bed!


Sorry you can’t see the blue puppy fleece in that photo, I’ll show you some other time.  In any case, it was made with lots of love and I love to sleep on it!  Daddy says it is my princely blanket because I look like a little prince with a luxurious blanket when I am in it.


Thanks so much for my princely blanket, Grandma!  I think of you every time I cuddle with it, woof!

Sorry I’ve been quiet, I had a lot of fun spending the holidays with my family.  Let me show you what I did!

I saw my best friends from puppyhood.  We are old puppies now.  I think we are still pretty cute.img_0701-m

I had some quality napping time in the sun.  It felt so good!


I helped Mommy and Grandma wrap gifts.  And by wrap, I mean unwrap my gift as soon as it was prepared.


I helped with the holiday baking, specifically clean up duty.  I love when we make peanut butter and jelly muffins for Christmas brunch!  Cleaning the peanut butter off the spoons is a very important job.


I was a good big cousin to my baby cousin, Perry, including posing for this photo:


I also stole some of Perry’s toys.


All in all, it was a wonderful holiday!  I can’t wait to see what 2020 brings, hopefully more treats for yours truly.  Sending Mochi kisses, woof!

Lazy weekend

Mommy and Daddy have been busy working, so I had a lazy weekend.  It’s good fun to cuddle with my favorite fleece blanket when it is cooler out, especially in the evenings!


Since Daddy is too busy to take me to the pet store this weekend, I’ll have to dream about it instead.  Hopefully he will have time to take me next weekend so I can beg for all the yummy treats behind the counter!  Woof!

Sunday cuddles

Today was a lazy day at home, but it is okay because I was able to cuddle in my bed.img_0063-m

Now I am all rested and ready for Monday!  This upcoming week is going to feature a pet store visit, right?  Woof!


Hi everyone, I hope you are doing well!  It has been eventful here for me and a lot of people have asked my Mommy and Daddy about how I handled the recent earthquakes here in Southern California.  While I wanted to run to my Mommy during the 6.4 earthquake on July 4th, this image captures my reaction to the 7.1 earthquake on July 5th:


That’s right, I slept through the big one!  Mommy and Daddy told me that I should use my puppy senses and warn them next time before another big earthquake.  At least I know that they have food packed for me in the family emergency kit so I won’t go hungry!  Everyone preparing their emergency kits, don’t forget about your furry family members too, woof!

Fleece snuggles

If you have been wondering what I have been up to over the past few weeks, it has involved a lot of snuggling with fleece.  Grandma recently made me more blankies and Mommy and Daddy finally figured out how much I love my fleece blankets and snuggling with them when it is cold.  Here are a few shots:






Now, if only there were some treats involved as well, I would be living the dream!  Woof!