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Life at Fourteen

Hi friends, did you forget about me? Mommy has been really busy and hasn’t been able to help me with my blog, but with the help of my Uncle Colin, we convinced her that the world needs to see my cuteness immediately. I hope that your lives have been filled with many good treats and naps!

Being fourteen isn’t easy, but there have been some perks, including getting fed 3-4 times a day now! Can you imagine, I only used to get breakfast and dinner, but now I get breakfast, lunch, tea time and dinner! You just never know when it is time to eat! Sometimes I even take some of my food with me in my beard.

Yep, that’s me with a piece of spinach.

I also take a lot of naps. Sometimes I don’t even make it all the way into my bed and then Mommy and Daddy have to help me get comfortable.

Did I mention that I only have 7 teeth left now? Yeah, that was not fun, but at least I don’t have an ouchy mouth anymore. It has also meant new treats that are nice and soft and perfect for me to eat! In fact, I’m ready to have one of those treats now – you know, the one that is good for my hips and joints that I have to have daily? Let’s eat one now, okay? Woof!


Hi everyone, it has been a while! Sorry I have been quiet – my humans have been too busy to help me blog, but I will do my best to change that in 2023 and remind them that they need to help their Mochi. Today is a very special day – I turned 14! We celebrated with a nice walk (where Daddy had to carry me part way)…

…and then a pup-cake, yay!

For some reason, Mommy said I could only eat half today. I don’t really understand why, you only turn fourteen once after all.

Needless to say, I ate every single crumb.

It was delicious! I’m looking forward to eating the other half, hopefully very soon. Woof!

The longest three minutes ever

I’m on a trip with Daddy right now, which means Mommy isn’t around to help make my breakfast in the morning while I’m on morning walkies with Daddy. This means that I have to wait for my breakfast while my delicious Honest Kitchen noms rehydrate. Three whole minutes, can you believe it? It is the longest three minutes ever and I make sure that Daddy knows I am not pleased.

That’s right, for every second I have to wait, I make sure Daddy knows I am NOT happy. He tries to get me to be quiet, but I won’t be deterred. I want my breakfast faster, hurry up, Daddy! Woof!

January snuggles

It has been a little chilly lately in the evenings, so I’ve been enjoying snuggling in my bed with all of my blankies.

Yep, that’s right, blankies in the plural! I’m a lucky puppy, Grandma always picks out some cute new fleece to make me blankets. I’m using three of them in this photo alone. I’ve trained Daddy to tuck me in just how I like it every evening so I can snuggle up and relax. Good thing Daddy is easily trainable, woof!


It is my birthday today, I’m 13! While I’m sad I couldn’t go to the pet store today to celebrate by picking out some delicious new treats, I did enjoy a nice day of napping between getting spoiled by Mommy and Daddy. Some of the highlights include getting to lick peanut butter off of a spoon…

…and eating my pupcake!

Wait a second, this pupcake looks smaller than last year. Ah, oh well, it was delicious anyway! Now, Daddy, please slip me some more treats when Mommy isn’t looking to celebrate my birthday, okay? I’ve been a very good boy! Woof!


I recently had to go to the vet for some vaccines, it was no fun. Daddy felt bad for me and took me shopping afterward–that was fun.

Oh boy, oh boy, I picked out a lot of things and made Daddy buy them for me! I can’t wait to eat all the treats we picked out. In fact, can I have one now? I’ve been a good boy, woof!

Cute for Halloween

It is Halloween today. I don’t really like wearing costumes (NO THANKS!), but I don’t mind wearing bandanas, so I’m going as my cute self for today.

Mommy says I look exceptionally cute because I recently got groomed! Do you think this means I’ll earn extra treats? Woof!

Boxed in

Mommy and Daddy got a large box in the mail the other day and decided to see how I’d look in it.

Needless to say, I wasn’t amused.

The only boxes I want to be in are boxes full of treats for Mochi, okay?! Woof!

Toes and nails

It has been a busy summer here, Mommy has been working too much and not helping me blog. I made sure to capture Mommy and Daddy’s attention recently though–I tumbled down the stairs and hurt my toe by breaking my nail! Before you worry, I’m okay–no other injuries, thankfully. Daddy made me go to the puppy emergency room, though, just to make sure and I came back wearing a bandage.

Daddy said I was a pirate and this was my peg leg. I don’t know how much I liked that. I had to wear a puppy sock over my foot every time we went outside to stay clean.

After my bandage came off, Mommy and Daddy kept yelling at me not to lick my toe. They made me sleep with this sock on too, but joke is on them because I took it off by myself. It’s my toe, I will do what I want! Unfortunately, they did not seem to agree with me and put this horrible collar around my neck.

The indignity of it all! I was so unhappy that I couldn’t fit into my little house with it on. Can you believe that I had to sleep on the floor instead?!

Thankfully the sock and collar are gone, but Mommy will still tell me not to lick my toe when she catches me. I’ll just have to do it when no one is watching, hehehe. Woof!

I recently met someone new in the neighborhood. His name is Rotini. I have no idea what he is, he seemed a bit unusual for a dog. Daddy says Rotini is a pig, I don’t know what that means.

We sniffed each other then I tried to eat Rotini’s food pellets that Rotini’s human was dropping. Daddy wouldn’t let me eat them. What a mean Daddy. I’m hoping to sneak one next time we meet, maybe when Daddy isn’t looking. Hope to see you soon, Rotini! Woof!